Industries Served

With safety first in mind, an LED version of the Cone Crown was designed road construction and airport use but as the design process progressed, we came up with more functions that allows the Cone Crown to be used in multiple industries. Because of this, we decided to roll out our non-LED version first.


  • ROAD and HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION – These busy workzones are an ideal location for Cone Crowns. With fresh concrete or asphalt and many tools in use, the Cone Crown will keep your tools upright and in a location that is safe and secure. String caution tape or plastic chain between the Cone Crowns to form a protective barrier around your work area.
  • ROAD and HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE – These active workzones are an ideal location for Cone Crowns. Keeps tools off the ground, holds flags, string caution tape…
  • AIRLINES and AIRPORTS – You may have seen the marshalling wand caddies that look like an apron and wrap around the channelizers in the airport apron/gate area. The Cone Crown offers more features, eliminates bending over and has no pockets to collect snow. We suggest you compare wand caddy to the Cone Crown.
  • FLAGGING SERVICES – Flaggers conducting traffic control direction in major intersections or in a parking lot at a heavily attended event will find the tool caddy will assist them in staying organized. The caddy also allows them to quickly set up barriers with plastic chain.
  • MUNICIPALITIES – With multiple temporary job sites around your city, Cone Crowns can help your employees create and maintain a more organized work area.
  • SCHOOLS – Adding Cone Crowns to your cones and channelizers in the bus drop off and departure area can add more functions for better lane separation and improved safety for students and bus drivers. School crossing guards can also utilize the Cone Crown in conjunction with a traffic cone for increased awareness in school zones.
  • VALET SERVICES – The organization of your valet company and your services speaks volumes about your business. Utilize Cone Crowns for a more professional valet operation.
  • PARKING MANAGEMENT – Malls, paid parking lots, casinos, amusements parks… Large parking lots need big ideas. Put a few Cone Crowns to work to maintain control of traffic in your parking areas.
  • POLICE, FIRE and FIRST RESPONDERS – The slim convenient size of a Cone Crown make them easy to transport in or on most any vehicle.  Most police and fire units have traffic cones on board. The Cone Crown deploys quickly. Just drop over top of your traffic cone and you are done. Use is for beacons, attaching caution tape, holding flags or traffic wands, plastic chain barriers or other uses.
  • EVENT VENUES – Large events like sporting events and concerts can draw large crowds quickly. Planning ahead and utilizing Cone Crowns can improve the control you have over both vehicle and pedestrian traffic at these events. Stay Safe – Stay Organized – Maintain Control!

Basically anyone with a parking lot that uses traffic cones or channelizers for traffic control. This includes churches, malls, retail stores, museums and a variety of other locations.